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- RemAPollo V1.4
- Eccentric Creations (TM) Product
- (c) Mikolaj Calusinski 1998-2000. Freeware.
- User Manual
- Introduction
- ------------
- RemAPollo - A1200 040\060 MMU Apollo Turboboard Remapper is freeware but
- copyrighted software. It has been written as a result of my depression arising
- from the sad fact that no working MMU remapper program was available for
- Apollo board. We, Apollo users, were in worse position than our Blizzard
- owning friends; they are able to modify their Kickstart ROMs as easily as
- setting one jumper on their board. We couldn't do that - our boards have no
- dedicated jumpers and there were no software to support us in our Kickstart
- changing needs. But, hopefully, this inequality will end now thanks to
- RemAPollo.
- Please, notice the fact, that although RemAPollo is no longer BETA, bugs are
- always possible. Please contact me in case of any trouble caused by remapper;
- detailed bug reports are welcome. For contact address see 'Author' section
- below. Also, be sure to carefully read this manual!
- Distribution
- ------------
- RemAPollo package may be distributed freely, providing the following criteria
- are met:
- - None of the files in the RemAPollo distribution archive may be modified or
- omitted.
- - No money is charged for it apart from media and small handling fee.
- - RemAPollo package may be included in freely distributable software
- libraries, but it CANNOT appear on commercial CD-ROMs (including all kind
- of coverdiscs). If you want to include RemAPollo on your CD-ROM you must
- ask for my permission first. This does not apply to AminetCD series;
- Administrator of Aminet, Urban MÜller, has my full permission to place
- RemAPollo package on AminetCD.
- - RemAPollo may not be bundled with any commercial hardware or software
- product without prior written consent from me.
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- What is that actually for?
- --------------------------
- RemAPollo is a software package for users of Amiga 1200 computer equipped with
- 040/060 Apollo Turboboard. It consists of a few files which can be used to
- remap ROM part of Amiga Operating System, known as Kickstart, to fast memory
- and boot the computer from it. You can move your physical ROM to fast memory
- just to gain more speed or you can use wholely different Kickstart image
- (especially useful if you are a developer). For more details see Usage
- section.
- Files
- -----
- RemAPollo package consists of the following files:
- - 68060.pch - patch file for 68060.library, version 60.02 to version 60.10
- - Converter - command used to convert BlizKick modules (of no patch type) to
- RemAPollo compatible format.
- - CopyIDEfixPrefs - a little command used to copy new IDEFix prefs file to
- IDEfix executable. Can be used by those who want to load IDEfix via MODULES
- option of RemAPollo
- - DRAP - Apollo Remapper Deallocator
- - FakeLOCAL - this hackish program is to force Apollo fast memory attributes
- to report LOCAL bit set (on 3.x Kickstart also KICK bit is set) on
- coldstart. Thanks to it most of the residents will load itself to fastmem.
- NOTE: This is a HACK and can be used ONLY along with RemAPollo program! For
- experienced users ONLY! You should well understand meaning of LOCAL bit to
- use this! Beware!
- - KingCON-handler.pch - spatch patch for KingCON-handler 1.3, 020+ version to
- make KingCON resident installable (thus replacing original con-handler
- completely)
- - KReader - a short command for saving current Kickstart to file
- ram:Kickstart
- - LoadResident - CLI command for loading resident modules; can be used to
- add files to resident list without the need of re-running RemAPollo. Two
- switches can be specified: FORCEFAST (forces allocations for modules to fast
- memory; can be used to check if your modules will operate from fastmem) and
- REBOOT (resets the Amiga after 1 sec)
- - Modules/noclick - updated version of BlizKick patch module, which turns off
- floppy drive clicking
- - Modules/noclick.s - source code to this module
- - patch - special patcher for 68040/60.library
- - RemAPollo - main remaper program
- - RemAPollo.doc - this doc
- - RemAPollo.doc.info
- - RemAPollo.doc.pl - Polish version of manual
- - RemAPollo.doc.pl.info
- - RemAPollo.info - cute icon (by my brother Jack :)
- - RemAPollo.readme - short Aminet description
- - Reset - reset tool
- - RUX - OS3.5 ROM Update eXtractor - a little command supporting "one reset at
- cold boot" OS3.5 installation (also see Additional Notes section)
- Copyrights
- ----------
- Amiga, AmigaOS and Kickstart are Copyright © 1985-1999 Amiga International,
- Inc.
- BlizKick is Copyright © 1996-1999 PitPlane Productions.
- Fusion is Copyright ©1997 By Jim Drew & Microcode Solutions
- IDEfix is Copyright 1993 - 1999 Elaborate Bytes, Oliver Kastl.
- KingCON-handler is Copyright © 1993,1994 David Larsson
- RemAPollo is Copyright © 1998-1999 Mikolaj Calusinski.
- ShapeShifter is © Copyright 1993-1999 Christian Bauer.
- spatch is Copyright © 1992 SAS Institute, Inc.
- Requirements
- ------------
- For proper operation of RemAPollo package you require:
- - an Amiga 1200 or 4000 (see Bugs section!)
- - at least 2.0 (V36) Kickstart in ROM (this should not be a problem :-)
- - Apollo 040 or 060 Turboboard (the processor must have fully working MMU)
- loaded with at least 1MB of fast memory
- - original 040.library from Commodore in versions 37.10 or 37.30 (or OS3.5
- 44.2) if you are using 68040 processor or 060.library supplied with the
- board (currently only version 60.10 is supported) if you are using 68060
- processor.
- Installation
- ------------
- Installation, however simple, requires some steps which should be followed
- strictly and carefully, else system will almost certainly cause you trouble.
- As RemAPollo is not for absolute beginners, there is no installation script
- provided - you are required to do all the work by hand.
- 1.
- First - and this is VERY important - you should patch 040(060).library. In
- RemAPollo package there is a special program for this purpose called 'patch'.
- If your 040(060).library is located in LIBS: and is not crunched (as it should
- be in normal setup) all you have to do is type in a shell window command
- 'patch' without any parameters. The program will inform you about results of
- its work. Please note that for 68040 processor only original libraries from
- Commodore are supported; if you are using newer 3rd party library (probably
- from Phase5) you will need to stop to do so or RemAPollo will not work. There
- is really no need to use Phase5's libraries with Apollo board, believe me;
- they were designed for Blizzard turbos.
- If your library is crunched, first decrunch it and invoke 'patch' program with
- path parameter pointing to this decrunched library. After patch is done you
- can recrunch library again.
- This patch is ABSOLUTELY necessary if you want your system to boot reliably
- with mapped Kickstart. Your Amiga may seem to work well without the patch but
- this is simply asking yourself for trouble; sooner or later your system may
- crash. If you want to know further details see Additional notes section.
- Some older versions of Apollo060 came with 68060.library in version 60.02
- sadly not supported by my patch program (which requires at least 60.10). To
- aid users of such a board I included special patch '68060.pch', which should
- be applied to the library using SAS/C freely distributable 'spatch' program.
- First patch your 68060.library to version 60.10 and then use my patch program
- on it.
- 2.
- After above patch is done, you should copy command 'DRAP' (Apollo Remapper
- Deallocator) to your C: directory. Till the version of 1.11 you had to place
- a call for it in the very first line just after SetPatch in your
- startup-sequence. Since the version 1.12 of DRAP this is no longer required;
- you can invoke it whenever you want - preferably as a first command. Here
- comes recommended beginning of startup-sequence:
- ...
- EndIf
- SetPatch QUIET
- ...
- This little program is not absolutely necessary for proper operation of system
- with remapped Kickstart but its use is very strongly encouraged. It will free
- some memory used by remapper during boot (67720 bytes to be exact) and
- generally restore the system to more stable and efficient state. If you intend
- to use MAC patch (see Usage) this program *MUST* be run or Fusion will crash.
- Its use will also speed up system a bit as it moves first page of memory,
- which contains absolute location 4 and happens to be in slooow chip mem, to
- fast memory. Finally, DRAP will writeprotect mapped Kickstart. You can keep
- its invocation in startup-sequence all the time - even when you want to boot
- directly from your ROM Kickstart without the help of remapper - as it will do
- exactly nothing (except setting return code to 5 [WARN]) while relocation is
- not active.
- As of version 1.8 there is a little more control over DRAP activities. You can
- invoke it without any parameters (recommended) or you can issue any
- combination of two new switches: ND=NODEALLOC or RH=RESTOREHANDLER.
- The first one is used to prevent DRAP from deallocating memory (67720 bytes)
- used for temporary MMU tables. These tables are no longer needed as soon as
- 68040.library installed its own MMU tree, so most of the time you should not
- specify this switch. However if you think you cannot live without a statram
- ramdisk (SDx:) or have problems with improperly written resident software
- (SIMBug is a good example) you should use NODEALLOC. You will not get back
- 67720 bytes of fast memory (who cares these times) but your SD0 will work as
- usual.
- The second parameter (RESTOREHANDLER) can be specified to order DRAP to
- restore original value of CPU Bus-Error handler. This is not recommended,
- since after using this switch all attempts of writing to ROM area (which is
- stupid BTW, but can happen accidentally) will cause a GURU on normal setup
- (without Enforcer running).
- As of version 1.12 a slightly new way of initialization has been introduced to
- DRAP - it can now open 68040\60.library, so there is now no requirement to
- load it after SetPatch. Also, a new NR (NOREMAP) switch has been added; it can
- be used to switch off remapping of zero memory page from chip to fast ram.
- Additionally improved compatibility of this operation. See bugs section for
- more explanation.
- 3.
- When two above steps are completed, you can finally use the remapper itself.
- See Usage.
- Relocation will survive between resets as long as exec base remains valid and
- ColdCapture vector is not changed. To get rid of the resident and return to
- original ROM Kickstart just use supplied 'Reset' command with HARD parameter.
- It will clear execbase pointer thus removing all resident code from your
- system.
- Usage
- -----
- RemAPollo main program can be invoked from both environments: CLI and WB.
- WB tooltypes are almost identical to CLI parameters, so let's discuss the
- latter.
- Standard template (can be obtained via use of question mark) looks like this:
- K/M/F:
- None of parameters is required. If you do not supply any parameters, current
- ROM Kickstart will be remapped, patched and the computer will perform reset.
- You will boot with the same Kickstart as in ROM, but with one very useful
- difference: remapper patches Kickstart in such a way, that fast memory is
- usable to the system very early. Thanks to it exec can use this fast memory
- for early initialization, placing there own library base and supervisor
- stack, so you no longer need patches like FastExec. Additionally you are able
- to mount recoverable ramdrives (RADs) in fast memory!
- KICKFILE parameter is used to specify location of optional Kickstart image
- file you want your computer to boot from and operate on. Only 512KB images
- with $1114 header or 256KB images with $1111 header and a correct checksum are
- supported. Since release 1.4 RemAPollo can be used to remap pre-2.0 (256KB)
- Kickstarts.
- Since version 0.994 of RemAPollo Kickstart files can be compressed.
- Decompression is done via xfdmaster.library so make sure you have installed it
- if you want to pack your Kick files.
- MAC - use this switch to reserve first 16KB of chip memory as required by
- Fusion, Apple Macintosh software emulator for Amiga. You will not need to use
- any RsrvCold, RsrvWarm or PrepareEmul-like tools in your startup-sequence
- then. Naturally, this switch allows proper operation of ShapeShifter as well.
- Do not forget to run 'DRAP' command after SetPatch though!
- NF or NOPAGEFIX - this parameter is only useful with 2.x Kickstart images; on
- versions 3.x is completely ignored. It is used to switch off fixing of the
- first memory page performed automatically on 2.x Kickstarts by remapper. On
- those Kickstarts, chip memory is linked to system memlist from location $400.
- Because 040/060 processors have MMU page resolution of at least 4kb, it is
- better to start chip memory from adequately aligned location such as $1000.
- Mapper does this by properly fixing exec initialization routines; starting
- from Kickstart 3.0 the fix is no longer necessary as it is performed already
- by Kickstart itself. If, for some reason, you do not want to change original
- behaviour of 2.x Kickstarts regarding chip memory init, specify NOPAGEFIX.
- This parameter is overridden by the use of MAC switch.
- FORCE - specify this if you want to remap Kickstart in spite of the fact, that
- relocation is already active. Normally, remapper will not try to start mapping
- process when it detects that this has been done already (so you can use mapper
- in your startup-sequence without looping reboots).
- QUIET - ideal option for those, who want to use remapper permanently in
- startup-sequence. It stops all text output from RemAPollo and shortens delay
- before rebooting.
- ---> As of version 1.12 a new IMJ option has been added; it can be used to
- disable MEM jumper of the board (so the fast memory always will be visible).
- You can abort remapping process while not in quiet mode by pressing standard
- CTRL-C break.
- *****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************
- ---> As of version 0.980ß a new MODULES option has been added:
- MODULES - this keyword can be used to specify optional files, you want to make
- resident in one go with the Kickstart. If used, it *MUST* appear as a very
- last option in commandline. The number of files is limited only by available
- memory (and commandline length). You can supply here any file, which contains
- a valid resident ROMTAG structure (for example: most libraries and
- filesystems). Additionally, it can be used to make IDEFix reset resident (see
- Bugs section for some oddities).
- From version 0.996 you can use BlizKick modules with RemAPollo! These come in
- two types: patch and extresbuf. Patch ones can be applied directly using
- MODULES option, while extresbuf-type require converting prior to installation.
- Use supplied program 'Converter' to fix them.
- From version 1.2 you are no longer required to enter full path to modules each
- time if they are located in the same directory. For example let's assume you
- want to load three BlizKick modules located in DEVS:Mods/ directory. In old
- versions you had to type something like this:
- "...MODULES DEVS:Mods/noclick DEVS:Mods/FixMath404 DEVS:Mods/ramlibstack"
- Since 1.2 version you must enter the path only first time:
- "RemAPollo MODULES DEVS:Mods/noclick FixMath404 ramlibstack"
- ---> As of version 0.991ß a new USEKICKPTRS option has been added:
- USE or USEKICKPTRS - this switch forces remapper to use current KickTag and
- KickMem residents list. Thanks to this option you can use other resident
- programs and still have only one reset at coldstart. To make this work you
- have to run these additional programs BEFORE RemAPollo and you should
- configure them to not perform reset! For exaple - if you need to use
- BootControl proram by Oliver Kastl and want to have only one reboot at start,
- you should place the following in your startup-sequence:
- BootControl INSTALL ;NOTE: there's no 'BOOT' switch used!
- RemAPollo DEVS:Kick3.1 MAC QUIET USE ;USE makes the mapper see BootControl
- SetPatch QUIET
- ...
- Please note that all the residents installed this way will be placed in LOCAL
- memory which on most systems means chip memory. To overcome this I wrote a
- little hack program, called FakeLOCAL. This program should be placed as a
- very first command in your startup-sequence, so the above example will look
- like this:
- BootControl INSTALL ;NOTE: there's no 'BOOT' switch used!
- RemAPollo DEVS:Kick3.1 MAC QUIET USE ;USE makes the mapper see BootControl
- SetPatch QUIET
- ...
- Now, the BootControl program will load into Apollo fast memory.
- NOTE: FAkeLOCAL is a HACK and can be used ONLY along with RemAPollo program!
- For experienced users ONLY! You should well understand meaning of LOCAL bit to
- use this! Beware!
- *****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************
- If you need an example - I use the following phrases in start of my
- startup-sequence:
- FakeLOCAL ;I use this only because of MountCD below!
- RemAPollo MAC QUIET USE MODULES C:IDEfix L:KingCON-handler FastFileSystem
- EndIf
- SetPatch QUIET
- I have 3.1 ROMs so no need to specify Kickstart image, but if you use 3.0, you
- can issue something like this:
- RemAPollo DEVS:Kickstart3.1 MAC QUIET MODULES c:IDEFix L:FastFileSystem
- Of course, you must have appropriate Kickstart image file in DEVS: to do this.
- Additional Notes
- ----------------
- Resident code of RemAPollo is protected with checksum to assure proper booting
- - program will turn the screen red and hard reset the machine when any change
- in resident segment is found.
- Mapper uses ColdCapture vector to survive between reboots, so you should not
- run any other programs which make use of this vector. Also, CPU Bus Error
- vector ($00000008) is replaced and should remain in this state until SetPatch
- opens 68040(60).library. After that you should run DRAP command which restores
- this vector to original (NOTE: as of version 1.8 of DRAP the vector is not
- restored by default. You can force its restoration by 'DRAP RH'). Take above
- facts into account when examining system with antivirus program.
- To allow Kickstart mapping, RemAPollo must build MMU translation tables which
- consume some memory. I tried to limit amount of this memory as much as
- possible, so mapper uses 8KB MMU pages. Unfortunately, this design conflicts
- with the way Commodore's 040.library and Apollo's 060.library install their
- own 4K tables. These libraries do not switch MMU off before loading root
- pointers resulting in unpredictable system behaviour. Look at this code from
- 040.library in version 37.30:
- (following routine is entered with enabled MMU in 8K mode, as done by mapper)
- ori.w #$700,SR
- pflusha
- move.l (A0)+,D0
- movec D0,URP ;!!! URP points to 4K tables!!!
- move.l (A0)+,D0
- movec D0,SRP ;!!! SRP points to 4K tables!!! - BOOOM!
- move.l (A0)+,D0
- movec D0,TC ;MMU is switched to 4K mode, little late...
- pflusha
- moveq #0,D0
- movec D0,ITT0
- movec D0,ITT1
- movec D0,DTT0
- movec D0,DTT1
- rte
- To work properly, above routine should start with something like this...
- ori.w #$700,SR
- moveq #0,d0
- movec d0,TC ;switch MMU off
- pflusha
- ...and that's exactly what does the 'patch' program.
- NOTE: If you are going to remap Kickstart from file, please make sure you have
- a proper version of it! The file must contain image of Kickstart which is in
- original, unmodified form and designed to work on your computer. So, if you
- have an Amiga A1200, RemAPollo cannot be used with A4000's (40.7x) kickfiles.
- ***
- OS3.5 users, read below:
- You have probably wondered if RemAPollo could be used with OS 3.5 update. Fear
- not, it can. All versions of RemAPollo are compatible with this latest OS
- update and there should be no problems as well with possible future OS
- releases. However, current 1.3 release of RemAPollo goes even further to aid
- you with transparent OS3.5 installation. There is a special 'RUX' tool
- included, which can be used to extract some OS3.5 modules from file 'AmigaOS
- ROM Update' (usually placed in DEVS:) obsoleting default SetPatch
- installation. RUX comes with the following command line options:
- FILE,A600/S,A1200/S,A3000/S,A4000I/S,A4000S/S
- FILE - specifies location of 'AmigaOS ROM Update' file (default is to search
- in DEVS:)
- Other switches denote type of machine modules are to be extracted for:
- A600 - you should never specify this switch, as these modules are designed to
- be compatible with 68000 CPU
- A1200 - most of the time this should be the switch of your choice
- A3000 - for Amiga 3000
- A4000I - for Amiga 4000 if you use only its embedded IDE interface
- A4000S - for Amiga 4000T with real SCSI controller
- So, after using default OS3.5 installer, you can make the following
- corrections:
- 1. make a directory in your LIBS: named, say, OS3.5
- 2. move workbench.library and icon.library from LIBS: to LIBS:OS3.5/
- 3. remember to MOVE them (so make sure they are not visible in LIBS:)
- 4. assuming you have A1200 and 'AmigaOS ROM Update' file is placed in DEVS:,
- open yur shell, change current directry to LIBS:OS3.5/ and enter 'RUX A1200'
- 5. three files will be created, named OS_Module1 OS_Module2 and OS_Module3 -
- these are resident modules you should use with MODULES option of Remapollo
- 6. remove 'AmigaOS ROM Update' file from DEVS: (recommended) or use
- NOROMUPDATE option of SetPatch
- Beginning of your startup-sequence should resemble something like this
- (customize this according to your setup and liking of course):
- ;--------- the following in one line of course
- RemAPollo DEVS:Kick3.1 MAC QUIET MODULES LIBS:OS3.5/OS_Module1 OS_Module2
- OS_Module3 workbench.library icon.library
- ;---------
- EndIf
- ...
- Usually, you can skip first module (OS_Module1) and in case you use IDEFix or
- FastATA (PowerFlyer) also skip scsi.device module. You can tell the actual
- module name (and real function) from its comment.
- Thanks to this installation, you will still have only one reset at coldstart.
- ***
- Bugs
- ----
- Recoverable ramdisk driven by statram.device (SDx:) will no longer work as
- supposed when default installation of RemAPollo has been made. To make it work
- again you must invoke DRAP with 'ND' option in startup-sequence.
- OXYPatcher does not mount its port properly on most systems. It is not my
- fault - OXYPatcher is very buggy.
- As of version 119.11 (3.1) of IDEfix its preferences are no longer stored into
- main executable. This is somewhat annoying if you intend to load IDEfix by
- MODULES option of RemAPollo. To overcome this I included a little command -
- CopyIDEfixPrefs, which copies your prefs from a new SYS:Prefs/IDEfix.prefs
- file to the IDEfix executable.
- If you are the owner of A4000 please make sure you have the first SIMM slot
- empty or RemAPollo will not work!
- I've got several reports stating that RemAPollo does not allow some of old
- games to work properly (this applied to so called NDOS-floppy games fixed to
- operate on newer CPUs and enhanced with HD loaders). Gfx corruption and
- sometimes even crashes were observed. All this mess was caused by DRAP program
- default mapping of reserved low chip-memory location to board's fast memory.
- Strictly speaking it was not my fault, as no OS-compliant program should use
- nonallocated memory. But to enhance compatibility I changed the way DRAP does
- the mapping - it should work ok now. If you still experience problems, you can
- disable the mapping completely using NR (or NOREMAP) option of DRAP. Please
- note howerver, that after using Fusion (Apple Macintosh emulator) you will
- have the same problem again, as Fusion remaps whole first 16kb of chip memory
- to fastmem by itself. This applies to systems without RemAPollo running as
- well.
- History
- -------
- V0.1ALPHA - (??.9.98) - internal hardcoded versions for my own use
- V0.96ß - (23.12.98) - first semi-public release, to selected betatesters only
- V0.97ß - (1.1.99) fixes:
- - caches are now invalidated prior enabling
- - only instruction cache is enabled at start
- - resident now checks ROM checksum - hard reset when incorrect
- V0.973ß - (8.1.99)
- - added fix for $c00000 mem recognition (this should cure yellow-screen
- crashes occuring on some systems). Thanks for Arkadiusz Winiarek and Marcin
- Ostrowski for reporting this.
- V0.974ß - (12.1.99)
- - added 060 flag to execbase when 060 detected
- V0.975ß - (13.1.99)
- - better resident code recognition (you can use *polite* programs that grab
- coldcapture vector now). First truly public version.
- V0.976ß - (26.1.99)
- - changed the header of mapped Kickstart to 'MM' to avoid confusion when
- trying to map Kickstart image processed by Remapollo
- V0.977ß - (28.1.99)
- - fixed bug in reset routine
- V0.980ß - (1.2.99)
- - MAJOR: added possibility to install resident modules (like IdeFix, betas
- from AmigaInc., etc.) in one go with the Kickstart
- V0.981ß - (4.2.99)
- - fixed mem allocation bugs with modules option
- V0.982ß - (5.2.99)
- - check for doubling modules
- - some internal changes
- 0.983ß Thu Feb 11 22:52:40 1999
- - WB mode bugs introduced in 0.982 fixed
- - added 8 bytes of safety margin to AllocAbs
- 0.984ß Sun Feb 21 11:26:15 1999
- - some serious rewrites to make RA work on A4000 started
- - no longer compatible with previous versions (RemAPollo and DRAP)
- 0.985ß Mon Feb 22 17:42:31 1999
- - internal changes in resident segment code
- - fixed a few additional serious bugs with MODULES option
- 0.986ß Fri Mar 05 21:41:59 1999
- - fixed serious bug introduced in 0.985 (resident frame)
- 0.987ß Sat Mar 13 14:41:48 1999
- - housekeeping changes & cleanups
- 0.988ß Mon Mar 15 22:30:16 1999
- - housekeeping cleanups
- - fixed a long-standing serious bug in bus-error handler (write protect
- violation in Kickstart area caused removal of the mapping)
- 0.989ß Sat Mar 20 22:01:33 1999
- - added special code for A4000 "feature"
- - fixed bug in WB mode MODULES option
- 0.990ß Sun Apr 11 15:19:08 1999
- - replaced BSS section by a direct memory allocation
- 0.991ß Tue Apr 13 15:20:40 1999
- - added USEKICKPTRS option
- 0.993ß Fri Apr 23 21:54:10 1999
- - QUIET option is now disabled when fatal error occured
- - removed support for A4000 due to technical reasons
- - second public Aminet release
- 0.994ß Wed May 12 13:26:34 1999
- - added support for packed Kickfiles (xfdmaster.library)
- 0.995ß Mon May 17 12:11:18 1999
- - rewritten for optimized frames
- - again made incompatible with previous releases :)
- - restored partial support for A4k; must have first SIMM slot empty for this!
- 0.996ß Thu Jun 10 11:36:36 1999
- - fixed serious bug in 060 version of bus-error handler
- - added support for BlizKick modules; patch type only
- - fixed bug with modulenames containing space
- 0.997ß Sun Jun 27 02:24:41 1999
- - changed reset routines a little (trying to compensate for Apollo bug)
- - rewritten 060 handler; hope this finally fixes all the bugs
- 1.0 Sun Jul 04 15:44:17 1999
- - final (?) release
- 1.1 Mon Sep 06 22:56:31 1999
- - corrected bug with leading spaces in MODULES commandline
- - fixed small bugs in resident frame code
- - added trace switch for 040 handler and fixed small bug in 060 handler
- 1.2 Sun Oct 17 17:31:27 1999
- - added automatic directory change while loading modules
- - fixed bug with modules mem deallocation after ctrl-c
- - added IMJ switch
- 1.3 Sat Dec 25 12:29:54 1999
- - restored reset code from 1.0 version; should work with all boards now
- - again rewritten parts of bus-error handler
- 1.4
- - MAJOR: added support for Kick1.x
- - fixed small bug with modules parser
- Thanks
- ------
- Big thanks must go to Harry Sintonen who sent me some early infos about 040
- MMU - it was long ago but they helped me to recognize the problem I intended
- to confront with; thanks again mate!
- Warm kisses to Motorola ;-) for excellent Literature Distribution Center which
- provides all the customers with various kinds of printed manuals. For free!
- I didn't have to register as a certified developer, issue any monthly fees nor
- sign any NDAs just to get access to information. Incredible for people used to
- Commodore's policy, but true. ;-)
- Last (but not least) - thanks to all alfatesters who agreed to risk integrity
- of their systems while fighting with numerous versions of RemAPollo
- (especially to Marcin Ostrowski for helping me to notice serious bug; hope you
- finally will manage to set your system stright again... ;)
- Special thanks to Olivier Fabre for bugreports and testing new versions of
- handler on 060.
- Also I wish to thank my brother Jacek for Polish version of this manual (I'm
- so lazy... :)
- This program is dedicated to Ministry - the band creating music, not (c)rap.
- Author
- ------
- My e-mail address (this is preferred way of contact): bloelle@priv.gold.pl or
- bloelle@polbox.com
- For those without inet access:
- Mikolaj Calusinski
- ul. Olsztynska 113/117
- 42-200 Czestochowa
- I hope you find this little proggy useful. Have fun!
- Mike.
- ------------> AMIGA - THE BEST COMPUTER EVER <------------